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Map Skills


Compass rose: points out direction


Latitude and Longitude:  imaginary lines that form a grid over the earth.            


Grid: a pattern of lines that cross one another.  It is used to locate places on the map.



Inset:  a small map related to a larger one.



Legend:  explains what the map's symbols means


                    1:100,000 scale
                    (one inch = about 1.5 miles)



Globe shows that the earth is shaped like a ball or sphere.


Lines of Latitude: cross globe from east to west between the equator and the poles.


Lines of Longtitude:  funs from the North Pole to the South Pole.  (Both lines are measured in degrees)


Equator: circles the middle of the earth at 0º latitude. 


Prime Meridian:  runs through Western Europe and West Africa at 0º longitude. 

Most of the world maps in this book use the Robinson projection.  The sizes, shapes, and distance of land and water areas on this projection are closest to the ones on a globe.


Seasons change because the earth tilts or slants as it revolves around the sun.


Physical Map:  shows the elevation of land, or its height compared to sea level.

Time Zone Map: The zone that contains the prime meridian is the starting point of the time zone map.  West of the prime meridian, the time gets earlier.  Los Angeles - 7 hours earlier than the prime meridian.

When you go West across the international Date line is 180º longitude, the date immediately changes to one day later.




Historical Maps:  tells about the history of a group of people or a part of the world.

                                Muslim Expansion in the Time of Muhammad
        from R. Roolvink et al., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples (Amsterdam, 1957)



Route Map:  shows the movement of people or goods across an area.

The Silk Route: 7,000 Miles



Cultural Map:  show how all or part of one group's culture spread and influence other people.


Areas of Muslim Population

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